Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Twin Tuesday: Second Trimester Recap

Wow! I can't believe that I am already 26 weeks pregnant and starting the third trimester... At times, I feel like it's been a snail's pace to get here, but mostly I think it's gone by really fast. It's crazy to think that I only have 12 weeks left before I will meet these litte girls!

So, how has the second trimester been overall? It's been really good! Honestly, the pregnancy still feels almost identical to Madi's (are you tired of me saying that yet??) and things went really well with her. I have noticed a few differences though in my overall tiredness level (so the doctor increased my iron intake) and a bit more discomfort overall when it comes to moving around and getting up. Both pretty typical things though and nothing I should be complaining about!

We squeezed in a trip to the US in March and did a lot of baby shopping while we were there for our extra shipment from the company. Everything was delivered before Easter and we spent the break playing with Madi and getting things put away. We don't have the twins' room setup yet, but that's up next! I am excited to get things prepared for them, but still in disbelief that we are going to be having two more babies this summer!

I don't have any good ultrasound pictures to share right now either. (We go back at the end of the month for my 28 week appointment and at my 24 week appointment she didn't take any snapshots - but I have a feeling good pictures are going to be harder and harder to get as these little girls continue to grow!). You'll have to make do with some growing bump pictures of me instead as a consolation prize. ;-)

Here's to hoping for a smooth-sailing third trimester!

If you're curious, here is my Second Trimester Recap with Madi. Definitely a lot smaller, haha!

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