Sunday, April 12, 2015

Future Miner: E-days Celebration

Some of our favorite memories from college were from Engineering Days, which we affectionately called E-days. The school would go all out for the event - it would kick off Thursday night with a comedian, followed by a Friday with an ore cart pull to the capital, activities, and a concert. Then Saturday would have more activities and a huge fireworks show featuring fireworks made by the students in a Demolitions class for Mining Engineering. Those weekends hold so many favorite memories for us!

Since becoming alumni we've attended some E-days 'Round the World celebrations by coordinating events in Houston where alumni would meet at a bar or ballgame Thursday night and share memories. I was asked to coordinate an event in Stavanger this year and while we don't have too many alumni in the area, the Stingerie family brought two and a future Miner. ;-)

One of our good friends here in Stavanger is a fellow Miner so we met him and his family for an afternoon coffee after the rainy weather cancelled our picnic. We forgot to take any pictures at our actual event, but we took some family ones beforehand. [Madi was even featured in the Mines magazine as Class of 2035!]

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