Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Super Bowl 2014. #Nailedit.

Super Bowl 2014 was celebrated (and then lamented) all the way here in Norway. The game was actually shown live on Norwegian television. However, it also had Norwegian commentators, Norwegian commercials, and did I forget to mention that since it was live it was at 12:00 am?! I don't get up at 12:00 am. I cannot stay up until 12:00 am any more. So instead we opted to watch the game Monday night at our friend's house.

On Sunday though we made Madi a Broncos onesie so she'd be ready for the game! We snapped a picture, posted it on Facebook, and around 10:00 pm I began my hiatus from all social media in an attempt to keep myself from knowing the game's score. At work on Monday, I scared a few people by exclaiming "Don't mention the Super Bowl game" to anyone I came into contact with. Needless to say I survived (proving to myself that I can go a full day without blogs, Facebook, and Instagram - woohoo!)

And then we began to watch the game. And the first thought that popped into my head was "I gave up social media for this?!". We made it until the end of the second quarter, two hours past Madi's bedtime, before we called it quits, headed home, and put our sleepy baby to bed. Instead of torturing ourselves with the second half of the game we opted to watch the best/worst Super Bowl 2014 commercials. At least those provided some entertainment.

My favorites?

Cheerios, “Gracie”

Budweiser’s “Puppy Love”

Kia "Matrix"

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