Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Madi: Six Months

- First overseas trip to 'Merica! We've taken you to Chicago, Houston, and are currently in Colorado. We'll head to Oklahoma next and spend Christmas and New Year's there.
- You got not one, but TWO teeth shortly after arriving in the States. Mommy thought you were just being fussy from the time change, but then noticed a bottom left tooth had emerged! A couple weeks later you got the other bottom tooth. :-)

- You continue to talk and have experimented with different sounds. Some sound like a gagging, some high pitched talking, and others. It's fun to hear you play with different sounds.
- You are pretty much sitting unassisted. We aren't quite to the point where we can set you down without someone being close, but you are getting really good! You also go from all fours to a sideways position that looks like you are about to sit up on your own if you could move your hand and had a strong enough core. I'm sure you'll be there very soon!

- We've implemented the Baby-Led Weaning method and introduced you to solids. We started a tad early after you were watching us eating very intently and moving your mouth in chewing positions. You do very good and have tried avocados, bananas, pears, strawberries, raspberries (which you hated), dumplings, french fries, chicken, steak, bread, muffins, cucumbers, lettuce, bell peppers, tortillas, pasta, and cookies. You are amazing at picking the food up and taking it right to your mouth and it's so fun to include you in mealtime!
- You continually push-up on all fours standing on your feet in the yoga downward dog position. We're afraid that pretty soon you are going to realize you can pull yourself up. :-/

- You aren't crawling, but you are definitely moving forward. Particularly towards the iPad when it's playing "What Does the Fox Say" video. ;-)
- You are definitely going through a "Mommy-only" phase. Particularly in a large group of people and new people, both of which you have been exposed to in our whirlwind tour of the States. After about a day you warm up to people though so all the grandparents have been able to hold you. :-)

Madi Duck -
You are so much fun! You love smiling at people and are a joy to be around! You've been on 12 flights so far and have done fabulous on all of them. You are being so good throughout our travels across the country. All of the grandparents have been loving having you with them and we are so grateful that we've been able to take you to meet so many people (even if you haven't let them hold you, haha). We are so excited to be celebrating your first Christmas soon!
Daddy and Mommy

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