Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas Gifts

Music, decorations, lights, time spent with family - I love all of these aspects of the Christmas season. But it seems like this day and age things have gotten a bit carried away. While all of the above-mentioned things are wonderful and truly enjoyable, they aren't what the Christmas season is truly about. 

The true celebration of Christmas is the gift of Jesus Christ, given by the Father to live on this earth and die so that we may live. It's the celebration of the birth of a baby, born in a stable. 

As new parents we've talked a lot about how we are going to handle Christmas. We want Madison to know what this holiday is truly celebrating. We don't want her to be focused on Santa Claus (which we honestly still haven't decided if we are even going to do in our home) and receiving tons of presents. 

That's why we've decided to adopt the Christmas-gift motto below. We know Madison is going to receive presents from family and friends and we don't feel it's necessary for us to spoil her with a ton more gifts. So for Christmas (and maybe even birthdays) she will receive the following: Something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read. 

I created a festive picture to go along with the poem that others can download and adopt for their families if they chose. Feel free to save this picture and implement a similar gift-giving idea in your home. 

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