We support animal testing...
if you have written permission that the test subject is complient and willing to participate in the "study".
Last week we received our air shipment of baby stuff from Houston. I absolutely was not sitting by the window in great anticipation of the moving truck's arrival and snapped the top left picture when I saw the truck backing up to our apartment complex entrance...
The movers got everything unpacked and our living room quickly became a baby zone (which is what we have accepted our apartment has become and will remain for the next 18 or so years). I went to work starting to organize everything - my favorite passtime! (And no, there is not any sarcasm in that statement. I truly love organizing!!)
I had some help from Zoey in checking the packages and making sure nothing was missing -
My sweet husband came home and after saying hello and I love you began to work on assembling the glider. That man is amazing! He got the glider and the crib finished on Monday night (along with a bookshelf) and was able to get everything else done throughout the week before he went out of town for the weekend. I was left alone to "nest" and start preparing Madison's nursery (pics to come!).
In the meantime, we felt it was necessary to test out the equipment we purchased from the States. We needed to make sure everything was up to code and met all safety standards. We found a (semi)willing volunteer for the job - Zoey!
We made sure to get appropriate permissions and liability waivers signed.

And then proceeded with the testing! :-)
First the rocker. The thoroughly enjoyed the vibrating feature on this toy. Once we added the toy bar she happily batted at the toys overhead. Once we unbuckled her safety seat she remained in the rocker for another 30 min... I think we have a winner!
Next was the high chair. She was not too crazy about this one and seemed slightly confused as to why she was sitting at the table. However, once treats were put onto the food tray she happily obliged. Until they were gone.
Next was the bumbo chair. The best we can say is that she tolerate the chair. It was not her favorite toy to say the least...
Um, hello play mat! These pictures were not staged. Zoey actually rolled around a bit to play with the overhead hanging toys once she realized that they moved and she could swat them.
She reached up enthusiastically for a small animal on a pull cord...
And was more curious about the moose than entertained...
Zoey liked the infant swing (even though we didn't have it on and swinging) mostly because she realized that she could move the stars from one side of the bar to the other. She discovered this feature on her own and continued playing with it for a bit. She didn't love it as much as her rocker, but it still got a good rating.
The bouncer was a bit of a curiosity to Zoey. Especially when Jason began twisting her around to the different toys. She was not very amused. She played some, but did not enjoy the standing position she had to endure to test the product.
And of course we took her for a test ride in the stroller! She enjoyed going up and down the hallway in style. :-)
CeCe, however, did not...(which was fine because we didn't have a waiver from CeCe)
But Zoey's favorite spot on the stroller was definitely the basket below. We will have to double check that it's empty before heading out the door...
And while the stroller sat in our living room she jumped inside and got comfortable. I tried to tell her she was not sitting in it properly, but she wouldn't hear it.
Next came the, wait, what?! That is NOT authorized testing of baby products! I turned my back for two seconds to grab some more clothes to hang and I came into Madison's room to discover this! Sigh. I suppose we will just have to accept that Madison is going to consume an unhealthy amount of cat hair that hopefully build up her immune system and prevents her from inheriting Dad's cat allergy.
Okay, back to the testing. Next was the glider, complete with nursing pillow.
And finally the baby carriers! She only tested out the baby bjorn and the moby wrap at this time. We will test her in the ergo at some point in the near future...
She looks so happy, right?! ;-) |