Sunday, October 13, 2013

Two Weeks in 25 Pictures

Time flies and I haven't been very good at keeping up with the blogging! We've gotten into a great routine, but between Norwegian lessons, Bible study, and keeping up with Madi blogging has fallen to the back burner. :-)

So here's a photo-update from the last couple of weeks! Mostly it's food and family. :-)

Madi loves Sophie! In fact she has three of them... the one below, a hard teething one, and a squishy teething one.

After waking up Madi a 180 from the direction we originally put her in the crib and then discovering her with her leg stuck in between the bars of her bassinet we decided it was time to switch her into the big bed.

Now she's got more space to do her wiggling around! :-)

I put together a meal plan and Madi was in charge of making dinner! She did a great job too! :-)

Sometimes Madi yawns five times making Mommy think she's ready for a nap... then she talks, giggles, and smiles. She's so darn cute! And manipulative. She knows I'll pick her back up thinking she's not actually tired.

Madi wasn't having it in the gym daycare...however, she had impeccable timing. The nursery worker came to get me during my cool down after a tough hill workout.

The weather has been amazing the past couple of weeks and we took advantage of it one Saturday and drove out to a pick-your-own-corn farm. It's the only place in all of Stavanger to offer it since fresh corn isn't very common here.

After picking corn we stopped at the beach and went for a walk along the water. It was a little windy, but still gorgeous!

Our first roasted chicken! Delicious!!


Sometimes Madi is a messy eater. :-)

Giggling Mads!

Mini cupcakes for dinner with friends!

A beautiful sleeping duck. She loves to hold her hands when she sleeps. :-)

Homemade lasagna and Flat Stanley. He came to visit us for a week from Oklahoma City and enjoyed his visit.

We spent one Sunday morning looking at my baby albums. Apparently Madi looks quite a bit like Mommy...

And don't worry... the furry family is still alive and well! Zoey is still as fat as ever and causing trouble (here with packaging from our crock pot). 

Caught snuggling! On Madi's playmat of course.

Cutest little duck!

Madi LOVES smiling at herself in the mirror! I caught this cute one of her last week. :-)

Madi decided to visit Daddy at work one Friday! After having lunch with him she decided to check his engineering drawings and orders. She had to make a few corrections, but nothing she couldn't handle. 

Playing on Daddy and Mommy's bed with mirrors.

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