It's been a couple weeks since I blogged last... wait, I think we've been here before. Every once in awhile life takes over and I let something slip... said blog. However, I want to capture the memories and moments so here's the bullet point update since my last post:
We took the Summer Beer Pairing class with our friends Meredith and Kyle at Well Done CC. The salmon glaze that we made was divine and we will definitely be making it again! How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? No idea. But a cough drop lasted the 45 mile drive I had every day last week to my training class in the Woodlands. 45 miles each way meaning that I drove 450 miles in five days. I don't know how people make that commute on a regular basis. I was against traffic and still found it horrific.In addition to being physically exhausted by my drive last week, I was also mentally exhausted. I was in a preparation course for the Professional Engineering exam. We went hard 8 - 5 with two 10 min breaks in the morning/afternoon and an hour lunch. The rest of the time we worked problems, reviewed concepts, asked questions, and then drove home like mummies unable to absorb anything else. Jason was a HUGE help that entire week from cooking dinner to picking up the house. I love that man. Thanks Bug!My mom's birthday was last week and while we could not celebrate with her, we are excited to go out there in September and celebrate then!! We sent her flowers and she got a super cute gift from her friend Phyllis - two little dachshund statues to remind us of Lenny and Squiggy!Jason went with me to pick up my packet at the MS 150 Tour of Champions reception. I am so excited for the trip to CO next week, but not as much the bike ride in altitude since I haven't been training... yikes!Jeff, my mom's husband, came to Houston for a conference and stayed with us. We enjoyed seeing him and had an excuse to visit another restaurant on our list for Houston Restaurant Week, The Tasting Room. Almost everything was delicious except the boys' steaks unfortunately. We would definitely go back though!We took the kittens to the vet for their last round of shots and talked to her about possibly separating the kittens and taking only one of them to Norway. She said they do not get attached like dogs and that CeCe will probably be thrilled if Zoey is gone. Don't get us wrong, we love Zoey. But it's just not feasible to take two cats to a small apartment in Norway when we want to travel, etc. We are not even 100% sure we will be able to find an apartment that allows CeCe, but we are looking into it. Jason talked to the Norwegian consulate and it's super easy to take a cat. CeCe just has to have rabies (which she does) and get tapeworm medicine within 10 days of leaving. No quarantine or anything like that thank goodness! We are also searching for a loving home for sweet Zoey and have a couple options that we hope will work out for her.
CeCe was scared. Zoey explored! |
We spent the weekend working on the house again. We've sold a huge amount of our stuff at this point, which is fantastic! We've also been able to sort all of our rooms and have a pretty good idea of what we are taking, storing, and selling.Sunday we had a potluck for our group of friends from the Honduras Mission Trip. We exchanged pictures, stories, and just had a ball visiting with one another. Jason and I made a delicious Jamaican pulled pork recipe we recently got from our Food Men Love II cooking class at Well Done CCI've decided that it's imperative that I transfer my old VHS to the computer since Jason says that I cannot store them and have to get rid of them. Yep, that's Spice World- high quality movies!!.
Monday night we hosted FamD for possibly the last time. :-( We cooked another delicious meal of gumbo from the Dinner on the Bayou class we took at Well Done CC last year. (They have FABULOUS classes and recipes! Check them out here!!)Wednesday we had an absolutely wonderful dinner with some friends from church, the Kovacs.We laughed the entire time and it made me sad that we hadn't got to know them sooner before we are leaving. We had date night Thursday- the usual dinner, dance lesson, and helping Jason hair dry his car. Wait, you haven't used a hair dryer on a car before? Yeah neither had I... But we don't own a heat gun and since Jason lowered his car, he needed to bend the metal lip so the tire wasn't hitting it.

And I've saved the best for last :-) OUR NEPHEW WAS BORN!!! We drove down to League City Friday after work and had dinner with our family and got to meet Jaiden (80% sure- subject to change! ;-) ) He is absolutely precious and a little blessing!