Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Second Half of October

We had a lovely second half of October with a couple fun events, including Madi's school break and a trip to Cyprus! The weather in Baku was still pretty nice so we played outside a lot and enjoyed it!

1. Daddy-Evy with matching shirts! So cute.
2. & 3. I got to take these two cuties on a hot chocolate date.
4. Remember when we served chicken tortilla soup at the Roving dinner at the end of September? I had bought avocados that never ripened for the event... I put them in the cupboard and forgot about them. Voila - three weeks later I had good avocados. ðŸ˜³  So I made an omelet with guac and salsa.
5. Cat snuggles.
6. Messy play outdoor activity with food coloring, vinegar, and baking powder.
7. She pretended to nap outside...under the table...
8. Evy playing with her animal trains.
9. Panda going for a drive.

One morning after Madi was dropped off we visited a playground near her school. The girls loved the train, seesaw, and especially the live rabbit they found on the grass. :-)

We have a set of wooden animals and Olivia would ask me what animal they were and repeat the names. Except she couldn't say "seal". Instead she kept saying "cereal".  ðŸ˜‚

1. Moroccan meatball soup - YUM! ðŸ˜‹
2. Our nanny is amazing at braiding!
3. Madi and her friend C spinning on the playground!
4. 5. & 6. We attended a fabulous Barn Dance and Chili Cookoff in our community - the food was delicious and Madi had fun with her friends!
7. Canning salsa to store up for winter.
8. My friend Laura came over and taught me how to make tortillas - so easy and soooo good!
9. Starting to pack for Cyprus... the cats were not happy to find out they weren't going.

We love the new swim instructor that we switched to this year. Madi doesn't use the vest at all and she's starting to jump in and swim short distances unassisted.

I love the app Timehop - it's so neat to see memories pop up on there of the girls. It also makes me cry though. This is one of the last times I could hold both twins at the same time after a night feeding because they were getting too big. Jason carefully took the photo on the left as he was an amazing support. He got up every time the girls woke so that I could feed them simultaneously. Those twin dads - they rock!

Stay tuned for posts on Halloween and our trip to Cyprus!

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