Wednesday, July 26, 2017

America Trip 2017: Houston

The flight to New York was l-o-n-g and we were thankful for the shorter four hour flight to Houston. Our dear friends Cindy and Dave were in New York for a wedding and we planned our travel around them after they volunteered to help me in transit.

We made their home our base for the week and fought jet lag by enrolling Madi in Vacation Bible School (VBS) at our home church, CEPC. She was a bit hesitant the first day and a little the second, but by the end of the week she was sad for the fun to end!

We listened to the VBS songs non-stop the rest of the time in the US and the twins were not to be left out of the singing fun!

We got to see a handful of friends, but unfortunately didn't have time to see everyone we would have liked. I also failed to get pictures with most of the people we saw. #bloggerfail. We saw my friend Emily a for dinner and I got a Mommy-night and hired a babysitter to meet her for a cancer event at Bingo in the Heights (she's battled and defeated breast cancer - you're amazing Em!)

We got to visit CEPC on Sunday for sunday school and worship and wow, do we miss that amazing congregation and spiritual sermons. Very thankful we can listen to them online!

We are so loved by our dear friends Cindy and Dave who always opening up their home to us anytime we are in Houston. The girls loved playing at the splash pad and playground with Cindy before we headed to Oklahoma.

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