Wednesday, November 25, 2015

30 Things I Never Expected to Happen or Experience Before 30

I never made a bucket list of "30 Things to Do Before I Turn 30". However, I feel blessed to have had an incredible 30 years and thought it would be cool to share some of the things that have happened to me or that I have experienced that I didn't expect to do before I turned 30.

So - in no particular order - here is that list:

30 Things I Never Expected to Happen or Experience Before 30:

1. Live and work overseas in Norway
2. Have three children under the age of three
3. Have three children - period
4. Give birth to twins (Are there really two of them??)
5. Meet the love of my life at just 18 years old and marry him at 22 years old
6. Visit 25 countries on four continents

7. Skydive in Brush, Colorado
8. Ice climb Matanuska Glacier in Alaska
9. Go on a 45 mile, 5-day hike to Machu Picchu
10. Go on multiple mission trips (to Mexico, Romania, and Honduras) including...
11. ...drilling a water well with Living Water International
12. Run two marathons and half a dozen half marathons
13. Ride the MS150 twice and reach Top Fundraiser status
14. Visit 26 States in the United States

15. Lose all my grandparents - cherish the time you have with loved ones
16. Experience tremendous beauty in Norway with the warmest summer on record last year and tons of hiking around the country
17. Struggle with depression after Madi's birth (but thankfully not after the twins' birth!)
18. Major in engineering - I was totally planning to be a lawyer!
19. Graduate with a major GPA of 4.0 in petroleum engineering
20. Be so organized and anal retentive - it's not in my gene pool
21. Encounter so many wonderful friends across the world who love on us and our girls

22. Admit that my mom really was right about almost everything and realize it's a compliment to see how I've become like her in so many ways
23. Join a sorority and meet some of my closest friends
24. Purchase our first home just after college
25. Have a blog that more than just my mom reads (my dad also reads it ;-) )
26. Develop a passion for designing things like our Christmas cards, birth announcements, etc.
27. See the Northern Lights - one of the most amazing things we've ever seen!
28. Have all my children born in a different country than their citizenship (no Presidental candidate for us!)
29. Fall deeper in love with my husband when he became a father - I can't describe the joyous feeling I get watching him interact and play with our precious girls

30. Bake and decorate cupcakes and have happy birthday sung to me in the most precious voice imaginable :-D

Thank you everyone for all the birthday love and wishes!! :-) 

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