Sunday, March 16, 2014

Weekly Wrap-up: Special Two Week Edition

Things got a little crazy two weekends ago and I didn't have a chance to blog. I blame it on the fact that we were still getting settled into the new house and had quite a few social activities on the calendar, including this sunny Stavanger dinner with friends, Madi's swim lessons, and running around keeping up with this little ball of energy, who's new favorite activities include using her walker , dancing, and crawling through her tunnel.

Add to that we had to make some alternate travel care arrangements for the next couple of weeks... I'm not going to go into details because I want to respect our nanny's privacy, but please keep her and her family in your prayers. Since both Jason and I have work obligations we need to fulfill this next week and can't take vacation, we've called in reinforcements to help... so grandma arrives tomorrow!!!!!

But without further ado, here is the special two week edition of the Weekly Wrap-up. You're excited, I know, so give me a high five.

I like to catch Zoey mid-yawn. She always looks incredibly evil. :-) The cats are adjusting well to their new home - finding all the good spots to explore, lay, etc.

Madi had a lot of play dates the past two weeks! We got together with our BFFs Adeline, Anjali, Campbell, and Toby!

I finished the offshore training portions that I missed last month when Madi had "the incident". Nothing like swimming in the North Sea, flipping a raft by yourself, and escaping a capsized helicopter under water. :-)

Madi has been enjoying climbing on her new chair... when Daddy isn't stealing it...could somebody please tell him that he's a little too big for it?!

What do you do when you don't have blackout blinds and haven't had time to go find them? Foil. Just call us the classy new neighbors.

Madi earning her keep by emptying the dishwasher, napping like a Norwegian outside, being adorable, playing with Daddy's shoelaces in church, excited about our baby-proofing supplies from the States, and cuddling with Mommy on her day off.

Relaxing by our first fire in the new home. Bliss. :-)

And if you're still anxious for pictures of the new house, come back to the blog tomorrow for Part 1!! :-)

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