Friday, May 1, 2020

April Update!

So it's May - not sure when that happened since it's clearly still March.  😆  The majority of the month was spent outside enjoying the cool-ash weather and our new found biking skills! All three are off of training wheels now (Madison has been for awhile, but the twins just learned last month.) There's a nice bike trail not far from our house so we've visited it a lot and ran into some friends out there as well.

Another first that happened was the girls' first haircut ever! I had been meaning to take them to the salon for weeks and of course didn't get around to it and now everything's closed so I watched a couple tutorials about cutting curly hair and tips in general and gave it a go. Thankfully it's pretty forgiving hair!

We've been having lots of fun in addition to working on school and doing lots of different activities!

  1.  Finally painting the ceramic picture holders the girls made when my mom visited. 
  2. Their final products!
  3. A Zoom dance party with our friends Ezra and Noah (admits re-arranging the lining room because, #quaratine)
  4. I had a dentist appointment to get my night guard that finally came in after weeks delayed (apparently I have started grinding at night so it's needed 🙄)
  5. Coloring for relaxation which didn't work and was actually stressful trying to decide what colors to use #coloringfailure
  6. Homemade almond/walnut/oat milk lattes
  7. How Zoey feels about quarantine
  8. We've been grilling pizza on the bbq for a few weeks now and it's life-changing! Sooooo delicious!
  9. The final product. Did you just have de-ja-vue?!

  1.  Zoom game night for our good friend Mike's birthday. 
  2. Olivia being silly on Easter.
  3. We got egged by our neighbors when they hid eggs in our front yard - such a great surprise for the girls!
  4. My friend Anahi's amazing hummus. 
  5. Our compound did a jungle hunt where lots of neighbors painted, drew, or put out jungle animals and we rode our bikes around the whole compound looking for them.
  6. Evelyn's solo performance. 
  7. Madi's crazy good yoga moves.
  8. Delicious homemade scones on the weekend.
  9. A lego Zoom playdate with Madi's friend.

  1.  Homemade biscuits - first time making them ever!
  2. And what's the best way to eat biscuits? That's right - good old fashioned {pork} gravy. 
  3. Madi works on a "passion project" each Tuesday for school. It's something the students choose and either build, paint, write, draw, etc. Madi worked hard to make a perler bead unicorn.
  4. The final product! (See what I did there? 😏)
  5. Splashing in their mini pool to cool off!
  6. Madison having an intense story time with her sisters and stuffed animals.
  7. We have been loving the app Caribu where the girls can play tic-tac-toe with Grandma.
  8. And also read books together!
  9. The girls musical theater class dancing!

  1. CeCe enjoying the weather outside with a quick nap in the playhouse.
  2. The most delicious Venezuelan dish with chicken and plantains. 🤤
  3. Catching up on the twins' baby books. They are mostly done, but I needed to write about the holidays in their first year.
  4. Jason's been planning date nights every Tuesday - he chooses the menu, grocery shops, makes dinner, and I get the night off. Love it!
  5. We had some intense rainstorms this month and the girls loved playing in the rain!
  6. And of course biking and scootering in it also 😂
  7. Our neighbors who play in the Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra did a mini concert for the compound and the girls loved hearing songs from Aladdin.
  8. Evelyn prepared a wonderful tea party for us. 
  9. Another date night success from Jason! (Clearly the quarantine diet is going realllyyyy well.)

It's crazy to think that we have been in this quarantine / homeschool routine for almost 8 weeks now! I feel we are starting to get into a groove, but like everyone else there are different challenges and ups/downs. 

We hope that wherever you are things are going well and you are safe and healthy! Happy May!

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