Saturday, January 19, 2013

Week 19

How far along: 19 weeks, 4 days

Size of Baby S: 6 in, 8.5 oz

Fruit/vegetable comparison (according to Baby Center): Heirloom tomato

Total weight gain:  Well, the scale still shows 0, but we got our sea shipment and our old scale back. According to that I have gained ~5 lbs since my 12 week appt in November. Perhaps I'll start using that one since it shows progress. ;-)

Sleep: Okay. I got sick this week so it's been hard to breathe while stuffy and I have had to get up for the bathroom more since I'm trying to drink lots of fluids.

Movement: Nothing yet. The doctor asked if we'd felt anything at our appt this week, but so far I haven't noticed anything

Unglamorous body changes: Noticing I need to go to the bathroom more. Whether that's the baby or being sick I'm not sure.

Maternity Clothes? I wore my first maternity jeans this week! They are a little big and I felt like they were going to fall down. But it made it nicer to go to the bathroom!

Showing: I am definitely showing, but it's still not super obvious yet in clothes. I haven't had to wear any maternity tops either, but I'm sure I will sometime soon! :-)

Food cravings: Nothing really this week.

What I miss: Chick-fil-a.

Anything making you queasy: No.

Strange experiences: Finding out baby S is a girl, Yes, I realize that probably shouldn't be under Strange Experiences, but we were really expecting to find out we were having a boy so trying to imagine a baby girl has been a little difficult.

Milestones: Baby Girl can hear! Guess it's time to stop watching Criminal Minds...

Best moment this week: Gender reveal ultrasound! We got to see Baby Girl's heart and all four chambers pumping away. We saw her spine and tiny little legs and kidney. She kept putting her hands near her face and was moving so much that the doctor said she was not going to be able to get any good pictures of her for us to take home. :-( We did get one that you can see here and the doctor suggested trying to do another ultrasound with a private doctor around weeks 27-29. She also measured my due date as June 14th (previously the 15th), but said that everything looked great!

Looking forward to: Feeling Baby Girl kick me!! Come on brat, we know you are moving around like crazy in there!!

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