Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Big Reveal

I revealed to Jason that we were expecting by surprising him with a little onesie I personalized for him (read about here). We decided it would be a cute idea to do that for the rest of our family as well!

I've mentioned before that we have four set of family in four different states. We had to lean on technology to share the surprise with our loved ones. Thank goodness for Skype dates!

Mom and Jeff - Oklahoma City, OK
Here's the onesies for my mom and Jeff along with the pictures we took during our Skype date.

And then my mom decided she liked Jeff's driller since she's also in the oil industry and that Jeff should have the gambler since he always seems to win at the casino. :-)

Dad and Mary - Tinley Park, IL
My dad and Mary got their computer setup with the webcam we mailed them and brought Babi (my grandma) over for the Skype date and to celebrate her birthday (which was Halloween). We thought we had picked a decent camera, but the quality on our end was a little fuzzy. They saw things perfectly though and let's be honest, they really just care about seeing the little one. ;-)

Here are my dad and Mary's -

And of course my grandma's! Baby Stingerie will be 1/4 Czech, enough to make the claim still.

Greg and Lisa - Colorado Springs, CO
Here are the onesies for Greg and Lisa and pictures from our Skype date with them and Lily (whose onesie is down below with the siblings).

Jacob and Stephanie - League City, TX
We were able to tell Jacob and Stephanie in person since they live in League City, an hour and a half drive from us. We only had a short window of time with them before they had to go to a birthday party and we insisted on coming down that weekend. 

Sydney (who has opened all gifts the past two years) did the honors of opening the onesies. "For baby Jaiden!" she exclaimed when she realized what they were. Steph just shook her head and said "I don't think they are for baby Jaiden". It was adorable!

I was pretty sure Stephanie, who is a very intuitive person, suspected something was up since they similarly insisted on seeing us one weekday to announce their first pregnancy... and I was right! They had guessed and even gotten me a baby book. :-)

And here are the sibling onesies! The two on the bottom were for Jacob and Steph.

We sent Justin, my brother, his package with strict instructions to open it only after he called us Sunday night. I think he likes his Little Gangsta Elmo. ;-)

Lily's was sent to her with her parents package. She is a ballet dancer, but since we don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl yet, we had to find a more generic dancing one that we could use.

I hope everyone loved and appreciated their onesies! Now, if you could all please return them to us so we can use them on baby Stingerie that would be great. Thanks. ;-)

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