Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Last Day of School!

We were thankful to have our school go to the end of June for classes as they helped to keep us busy and give us a routine. The girls have done really will with the online learning and will miss seeing their teachers and friends in the conferences. 

We took pictures on the first day of school and last so we could see how much the girls have grown. It's a fun tradition we started with Madison back in 2014 when she first started daycare! 

The last week of school was very relaxed and on their final calls, Olivia an Evelyn's classes had dance parties and celebrated summer birthdays. Madison's class had a picnic. 

It was definitely a different end to the school year with online learning and most likely we will have a combination of online and in-person learning come September, which I am looking forward to since it styles after the type of schooling we'd have chosen if we were in the US. 

Here's the side-by-side comparison pics from their first day last August to their last day. 😊 

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