Friday, December 11, 2015

Evelyn and Olivia: Five Months

Firstly, I apologize for these photos. We do not have Daddy, our photographer, so they are Mommy's attempt at pictures without our props and during nap time after a full day at the zoo so your schedule was thrown off. Oh well! And fortunately you are both so adorable!

- Both of you rocked your first trans-Atlantic flight from Stavanger to Chicago! You were both angels on the flights and did so good. I was super impressed!
- We also had our first solo flight with Mommy and all three girls to go from Chicago to Oklahoma City. Fortunately we had a fabulous older couple that helped us with our luggage and holding babies at different points during the trip!

- Evelyn has now rolled from her back to her stomach and is still practicing to perfect her roll every time she's on the playmat!
- Olivia rolled from her stomach to her back literally the day after she turned four months. She hasn't quite gotten back to front yet, but she's darn close!

- Both of you are great at grabbing things and have a tight grip! You are enjoying playing and interacting with one another, but we are having to watch you more closely now. You like to scratch each other and steal each other's pacis. ;-)

Evelyn Grace

Weight: ~13.4 lbs
Height: TBD
Head: TBD

Olivia Ann

Weight: ~13.1 lbs
Height: 23.5 in
Head: TBD

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