Friday, October 28, 2011


Here's picture I've gotten used to the past couple of years...

My sweet husband studying last night for an exam he's taking right now...

Two and a half years ago he asked me if I ever thought I would want to go to grad school. I looked at him with eyebrows raised, "Of course not! I'd have to be crazy - I just finished school!". His response, "Well, um, I've been thinking about it for awhile now...". My retort, "Well, I don't know what's wrong with you, but right now, while we don't have kids, it'd be a good time."

Hence began the long journey or Jason going back to grad school while still working full-time. In the grand scheme of things, three years (the total it will take Jason to finish) is not that much time. But right now, while he's taking 1-2 classes every springs, summer, and fall - it's a long time! :-) We are very fortunate though - Baker Hughes pays for all of the expenses of graduate school (to which Jason would argue, "They don't pay for my parking pass!").

Jason is working towards a Master's in Petroleum Engineering (I knew I'd convince him that petroleum was better than mechanical! ;-) ). The program required him to take four introduction classes since he's Bachelor's was not in petroleum. (So that added a full year basically.) Now, with just one more semester left and one more class in the spring, we can both see the light at the end of the tunnel! I will be excited to have my hubby back and he will be excited to have free time again!

PS. Look for an announcement of a GIANT graduation party next spring. With a keg. I might even do a keg stand because I'll be so excited. ;-)

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