Monday, April 30, 2012

Wordle and Our Week

I love alliteration! It's probably one of the only concepts I retained from English class and inspires the titles of most of my blog posts.

Moving on...

The boss I had  in the last job at COP is one of my favorite people. He is a strong Christian man who I developed a good relationship with and could talk to about stuff beyond work. He is also the only person I know who could get away with asking me on a regular basis if I am pregnant and when am I going to have a baby. (5 years, Robert!)

A couple weeks ago he sent me this neat photo. He is a gadget guy and found a website called Wordle that will take a URL from a blog and create a word collage. Pretty cool! Apparently there are people out there who do read the blog! ;-)

Last week brought to a close my Tuesday Bible study. It was a wonderful lesson on John and I am excited to start Jeremiah in the fall! During the summer, I will be taking a study called "Loving Your Husband God's Way". I am looking forward to it!

Jason had his LAST CLASS!!! He is studying for his final tomorrow night and then he will be FINISHED!!! Graduation party plans are underway and I cannot wait for May11-12 to be here!

Thursday I had a lasik enhancement in the right eye. I had lasik last July (read here) and knew that there was a strong probability that I would need an enhancement because my prescription was so negative to start. Look here is my eye!

The enhancement went without a hitch and my friend Catherine came over to visit and to admire my sweet collection of Vera Bradley. (I went a little overboard since it's a retired pattern, but I bought everything half off so that makes it acceptable, right??)

This weekend Jason and I did ....(drum roll please)....almost nothing! (What? A person can't change overnight!)

Friday night we stayed in and made our traditional Friday Night Pizza Night cuisine. I bought Jason a pizza cookbook for his birthday in March and this was the first opportunity to test it out. I have to say our spicy four-cheese pizza on whole wheat crust was amazing! Probably in the top 3 we've made. Of course I did not take any pictures of the deliciousness. It was gone before I got a chance. ;-)

Saturday morning we slept in!! And I mean actually slept in! There were double digits on that clock when we finally got out of bed! We had a relaxing morning with homemade chai, latte, and donuts. They were delicious as well! (And apparently we are trying to gain back all the calories burned on the MS 150... )

We ran a few errands and had dinner with a group of friends that night. Sunday was similarly relaxing. After church we ran a few more errands and then did stuff around the house. Sunday night we got to see our friend Huy who moved to Saudi Arabia a couple months ago. We miss him and it was great to be able to visit with him!