Friday, February 24, 2012

DRM Day at the Stingerie's

I got so excited when I saw the email last week... today was DRM (Data Records Management) day at work! What is DRM day? Well, it's an entire day dedicated to organization. How could you not love that?!?! Unfortunately I got up with (ahem) actual work and was unable to do any organizing. However, that did not stop me from initiating DRM Day at the Stingerie house!

Jason got me the Freedom Filer for Christmas this past year. It's an amazing filing system that's setup to purge yearly the things you don't need to keep and to hold onto the ones needed (like for taxes, etc.) My friend Jennifer introduced me to the system and I thought it was amazing! You can read more about it here.

Our DRM day started with setting up the folders as instructed by the program. I didn't setup all the folders mostly because I didn't have enough on hand and after the week I've had, there's no way I was going out to get some. However, I setup the ones I thought I would need and as I started filing, created the additional ones I needed.

Here is a before shot of our messy filing cabinet -

And here's the successful after shot!